The innovative new HDV Horizontal Digital Video comparator combines the best features of a horizontal optical comparator and a vision metrology system. Utilizing a rigid steel design, with 12″ x 6″ of stage travel, the HDV is configured like a traditional horizontal comparator. The system has a uniquely mounted 5MP digital video camera, coupled with a choice of quick change telecentric lenses or 6.5:1 zoom for micron-level resolution. The HDV system includes a powerful 64-bit PC and Touchscreen monitor, which runs MetLogix M3 Metrology software. With this software, DXF CAD files can be imported and 2D Go-No-Go gauges created, similar to using a Mylar overlay chart on a comparator screen. Video edge detection (VED), allows real-time interaction of the imported file with the video image of the part being inspected. Productivity, speed and accuracy are all enhanced.